Wednesday, May 22, 2019

NOTHING TO SAY HERE - Five Walls, Level 1/119 Hopkins St, Footscray, 3011, Melbourne - May 22 to June 8, 2019

My solo exhibition at Five Walls gallery in Footscray, Melbourne with works from my "Nothing To Say Here" series in which arrangements of circles and squares are determined by random artists' quotes. 

CLICK HERE for the video of the exhibition.

"For me, painting is arranging colour and shape on a surface. There is no subject. This series of paintings started with a quote from John Cage, “I have nothing to say and I am saying it”. They are constructed using quotes from various artists, writers, and thinkers that have been chosen because they refer to ideas of understanding and misunderstanding of the visual. The paintings are produced using a code which is not explained or expanded upon. They may contain deeper meanings or they may simply be arrangements of colour and shape".  Kate Mackay, May 2019

See the list of works at the bottom
Works 1,2,3,4,5,6, oil on canvas on board, 51cm x 51cm each, 2018
Works 7,8,9,10, oil on canvas on board, 42.5cm x 42.5cm each, 2019
Work 11, oil on canvas on board, 68cm x68cm, 2018

Works 13,14, oil on canvas on board, 34cm x 34cm each, 2019

Works 15,16,17, oil on canvas on board, 47cm x 47cm each, 2019