Alex Wisser and Georgie Pollard curated an exhibition of artists in the Fire Station Gallery in Dubbo as a means of encouraging people outside of Sydney to consider
collecting art. I have been searching the Interwebs to try and find a list of all the participating artists, but haven't found one - so if anyone has one, please let me know...
I contributed 2 small paintings and 2 cardboard constructions.
'Blue Circle Painting', oil on canvas, 30cm x 30cm, 2012
'Yellow Circle Painting', oil on canvas, 30cm x 30cm, 2012
'Circle Square Cardboard', acrylic and PVA on cardboard, 34cm x 34cm, 2013
'Circle Square Cardboard 2', acrylic and PVA on cardboard, 34cm x 34cm, 2013