Thursday, March 25, 2010

CARRIAGEARTWORKS - CarriageWorks, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh - 25 March-24 April 2010

The second CarriageArtWorks exhibition involved Pam Aitken, Francesca Mataraga, Marlene Sarroff, Liz Shreeve and myself from Factory 49, as well as artists from Alpha House, Black & Blue Gallery, Hardware Gallery, Lennox St Studios, Marnling Press, May Street Studios, NG Art Gallery, Oh Really Gallery, Sheffer Gallery and Wilson St Gallery.

I created the 'Cube Wall' to span the space between two sets of steel columns within the Carriageworks space.  The cubes were tied to each other with wool and tied off to the side columns and top beam.

Installation view with works by Francesca Mataraga to the left and Liz Shreeve, Marlene Sarroff and Pam Aitken in the background
Installation view at night with shadows
Constructing the 'Cube Wall'

I was asked to hire out the 'Wall' to be used in a Canon camera advertisement.  The above 2 shots are from the filming of the advert and here is a link to the finished product - CLICK HERE to view the advertisement - the Wall appears in the background from about 24 seconds to 26 seconds!

Packed up ready to go back into storage...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

STRUCTURAL SPACES - Office Project Space, Factory 49, 49 Shepherd St, Marrickville - March-May 2010

In 2010 we created a second exhibition space at Factory 49 called the 'Office Project Space' and I organised a group show of the gallery artists.

I hung a small painted cube called 'Still Life Cubed' from the ceiling.

'Still Life Cubed' oil on cardboard, 18cm x 18cm x 19cm, 2010