Wednesday, August 12, 2009

COLOURED SQUARES ARRANGED BY CHANCE - Factory 49, 49 Shepherd St, Marrickville - 12-22 August, 2009

In 'Coloured Squares Arranged by Chance' I exhibited the large cube that I had shown in Melbourne as well as eight small paintings - four on canvas and four made from painted MDF.

I also made a (rather wobbly) video of it called 'Chasing the White Square'.

'Large Cube', cardboard, acrylic and yarn, 165cm x 165cm x 165cm, 2009

'Square Paintings' , (top line) oil on canvas, 21cm x 21 cm each, 2009
'Block Paintings', (bottom line) oil on MDF, 21cm x 21cm each, 2009

Here is the catalogue -