Friday, April 9, 2004


The Song Company in association with Music Theatre Sydney and the City of Sydney presented another 'Stations of the Cross'.  This performance took place within the main hall of the Sydney Town Hall.  16 artists presented various performances and installations in association with the performances by the 10 musicians and singers.

I had created a large colourful cardboard cross which I had entered in that year's Blake Prize - it didn't get in...I was then co-incidentally invited to participate in this exhibition - divine intervention?....

The cross was about 3 metres long and 2 metres wide and was constructed of 5 long rectangular boxes that were covered with various patterns of coloured paper and tied together.  I was allocated the stage of the Town Hall for my piece.  I had originally planned to suspend the cross on a large fishing net as a backdrop to the musical performance; but as the net was being raised into position we noticed that the cross sort of 'sat up' as it was being raised - decided instead to raise it into position as the music was being performed.

Each 'Station' was performed in a different part of the hall with the audience walking around to experience each piece.  My cross was to be viewed from the upstairs balcony - not my decision, it had already been allocated.  As the music began, a spotlight lit up the cross on the floor of the stage - the net was slowly lifted and the cross sat up and floated into the air - the net had become invisible - several audience members (including myself) gasped - it was amazing - I take very little credit - lights, colour, music and movement are very seductive...

Of course I have no photos or video of the event....just one very ordinary photo of the cross.

the Cross looking very unimpressive against the brick wall....