Thursday, October 24, 1996

FLORESSENCE - Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney - 24 October-16 November 1996

'Florrescence' was curated by Felicity Fenner.  It was shown at the Ivan Dougherty Gallery at the College of Fine Arts in Paddington in 1996, then travelled to the Newcastle Regional Gallery, Campbelltown City Gallery and Tamworth City Gallery in 1997.

"Images of flowers have over the centuries inspired artists and audience alike, their promise of immortality temporarily suspending everyday concerns imposed by the passing of time, their consideration offering a space for reflection across a range of contexts and continents.
Floressence covers the period in Australian art from the onset of modernist to the present."
Felicity Fenner, Floressence Catalogue, University of NSW, College of Fine Arts

The exhibition had work by 45 artistis including Roland Wakelin, Rupert Bunny, Max Dupain, Nora Heysen, Margaret Preston and Elizabeth Pulie - you have to be happy with that!

My contribution was 'Same Painting - Orange', which was the most 'flower-like' of my 'Same Paintings'.  The catalogue noted "...Kate Mackay is engaged in an ongoing series of floral designs, investing the modernist grid with decorative and metaphorical allusion."

'Same Painting - Orange' oil on canvas, 167cm x 167cm, 1996